Parenting can be a really complex and difficult task sometimes. God's interaction with his people can teach us a lot about how to parent and discipline out of love.
Marriage Is Worth The Fight
A healthy marriage is the building block for a healthy marriage. Fight for your marriage because your kids deserve it, God deserves it, and you deserve it!
Grand Opening
Life can get so busy, especially when it comes to managing a family. Let's create some margin in our life so that we can say yes to the best.
The Rock of Prayer
Prayer shouldn't just be something we turn to when life gets hard or messy. Prayer should be a rock that we build our life upon. God seeks to be in communication with his children.
Living Out The Good Life
We are living in a culture that has a very different spiritual starting point than the America of 40 years ago. The Bible doesn't change and our beliefs don't change, but our methods must change.
The Ripple Effect
Paul may not have been able to write the book of Philippians if it weren't for the generosity of others. You may never see the impact of your generosity, but God sees it.
People Are Worth The Mess
The church is made up of people, and people are messy. We want to be a church that pre-loves instead of pre-judges.
Spiritual Growth Catalysts
Pastor Jim walks us through five things that are critical to sparking spiritual growth in our lives and in our church.
Hot and Cold
Christ needs us to be a church that is hot and cold, rejuvenating and refreshing, soothing and thirst quenching, but not lukewarm!
His Amazing Church
We are one of God's amazing churches that He has called to change the world through God's amazing grace and love.
The Ground Floor
God has given us an incredible opportunity to re-start from the ground floor. Let's all get on the same page so we can help further the kingdom of God.
Grace Looks Up
Christ comes into our world and loves us in spite of our flaws or differences. Are you willing to come down from the tree and accept the grace that Jesus wants to provide?
His Keeping Grace
God can absolutely perform miracles of healing in our lives, but His plan comes before our comfort. God plan doesn't always include healing, but God's keeping grace is sufficient.
His Restoring Grace
Don't underestimate how far God will go for you. You may have taken many steps away from God, but it only takes one step to get back to Him. His restoring grace can set you free.