The Apostle John remembers a conversation the disciples had with Jesus. They had a hard time understanding at that time, but Jesus was sharing some deep and comforting truth.
I Witnessed, Part 2
The Apostle Matthew writes about the time when he witnessed Jesus getting angry and turning over tables in the temple. This was an unusual thing to witness while following Jesus, but what can we learn from Jesus in this moment?
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I Witnessed, Part 1
The Apostle Matthew writes about the time when he witnessed Jesus getting angry and turning over tables in the temple. This was an unusual thing to witness while following Jesus, but what can we learn from Jesus in this moment?
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God Questions, Part 3
The Bible has been around so long and it can so daunting and confusing. Can we really trust anything that's in the Bible? How do we even know that is hasn't been manipulated or altered? Listen to how Pastor Eric addresses some of these tough questions.
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God Questions, Part 2
A question that many people ask when trying to understand God is why would a loving God send people to hell? It's not a surprise that this is a common question, but in this message Pastor Jim will help provide some context and clarity to this difficult question.
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God Questions, Part 1
For years in popular culture, we've seen many depictions of spirituality including angels and demons. These spiritual beings are referenced in the Bible on numerous occasions, so what's the deal with angels and demons?
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Super Sunday 2025
Super Bowl Sunday is a great excuse to have a Super Sunday with Tanner Morgan as our guest speaker. Tanner had a lot of success as the 4-year starting quarterback for the University of Minnesota, but he talks about why success in life doesn't replace your need for God in your life.
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Eight is Enough, Part 5
As we wrap up Romans 8, Paul reminds us of the confidence that we can have in Christ as we strive to live free in Him. Paul is convinced of God's love for him, and so can we.
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Eight is Enough, Part 4
We all wish that life were easy and that nothing would ever go wrong, but that's just not life. This happen out of our control and there is often pain and suffering that we have to deal with. Let's listen to what Paul has to say about faith and suffering.
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Eight is Enough, Part 3
As we continue in Romans 8, Pastor Eric talks about what our identity in Christ looks like. So often we are deceived into thinking that worldly identities are what give us freedom.
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Eight is Enough, Part 2
This week we step back to the beginning of Romans 8 and talk about freedom and grace. So often we live in various forms of condemnation, but Christ's death and resurrection changed everything in the best way.
Message Podcast:
Eight is Enough, Part 1
In Paul's letter to the church in Rome, he writes some really powerful instructions that are full of wisdom and truth. It just so happens that chapter 8 in this letter is packed with just about everything you need to live a full life in Christ. Let's check it out!
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Christmas Eve 2024
Christmas Eve is a special time to remember how Jesus put aside his heavenly glory to be born in a humble manger. Praise God that Jesus came to be the hope for all people!
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Not Alone, Part 4
While Kevin is home alone, he's constantly at war with a couple of thieves that want to break in and steal from his family's home. Kevin has to fend off these attacks, much like how we have to fend of the schemes of our spiritual enemy.
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Not Alone, Part 3
Following the Kids Christmas Worship program, Pastor Jim takes a look at the relationship between Kevin and Marley in the movie: Home Alone. It's important that we don't let our judgements get in the way of God's blessings.f
Message Podcast:
Not Alone, Part 2
At first, Kevin was thrilled that his wish came true. He was free to do whatever he wanted with no parents or siblings to get in the way. But soon he began to realize that total freedom wasn't all that it was cracked up to be.
Message Podcast:
Not Alone, Part 1
In all of the chaos of their big family trip, the McCallister family accidentally left Kevin behind - home alone. During the Christmas season, we have a tendency to get busy and distracted and sometimes we even forget the most important part of Christmas.
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Made For More, Part 6
In the final week of this powerful series, we look at the powerful impact that Stephen had, even in his lowest valley. Life is full of mountain tops and valleys, but God has a plan for both.
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Made For More, Part 5
Many signs and wonders were seen in the early church, but is God done with miracles? Pastor Peggy dives into the topic of miracles and what it means for Christians today.
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Made For More, Part 4
As the church began to grow in size, it began to face opposition from all over. It took increasing boldness to spread the message of Jesus and they knew something that can help us live bold.