David chose five smooth stones out of the stream to use with his sling even though it only took one to take down Goliath. Why did David pick up five stones? Didn't he have faith?
Keeping Your Joy
Life is a rollercoaster of ups and downs and we're not always going to be happy. But God allows us to keep our joy even in the most difficult times.

The Crazy Club
God calls us to live out his good life. But in a society with no moral absolutes and where truth is relative, living like Christ can often be seen as down right crazy.

Pressing Forward
Everyone has a past and everyone has baggage, but God offers freedom! It's not about if we fall, it's about if we get up!

Ambassadors of Hope
We had an amazing first service in our new building and we heard a great message about being ambassadors of hope in the world!

Knowing & Growing
The good life begins with knowing Christ. The more you know Christ, the more you will grow closer to him.