Grace is an attitude. Grace is a way of life that puts others first and brings us to our knees. Just as Jesus washed the dirty feet of his disciples, we too must be willing to become that of a servant.
His Amazing Grace, Part 1
Sometimes religious people can be the first ones to throw stones, but we should be the first ones to offer grace. Jesus extends grace to everyone, and we are called to do the same.
God Is On The Move
God calls us to trust Him because He is able and He is on the move. God can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine.
At the End of the Day, Part 4
Living big is a mindset that takes a spiritual decision. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Let's be big life people that look up, see the needs, and meet those needs.
At the End of the Day, Part 3
Christ calls us to give people what is best, not what they deserve. At the end of the day, we should fight graciously, not fair.
At the End of the Day, Part 2
Sometimes we can lead flaky, distracted lives. Jesus challenges us to take up our cross daily and set our sights on him. Don't forfeit God's best for something less.
At the End of the Day, Part 1
At the End of the Day, do you want to be a person of faith or fear? God is faithful and will guide our path. Our job is to trust Him and be a people of faith.
Bow Your Knees
Our Christmas Eve service had a wonderful message about the reverence we have for Christ Jesus. We bow down and worship Him with everything that we have because he is worthy.
Pour Out Your Heart
Our greatest need is not money or success, but peace with God. What kind of peace to you want this Christmas?
Bring Your Gifts
The wise men travel from afar to bring gifts to the newborn King. Christmas is about giving to God. Giving our time to Him, giving our talents to glorify Him, and giving our treasures to His church.
Lift Your Hands
The wise men came from far away to worship the newborn King. Our advent series discusses ways that we can show our worship. This week we focused on the lifting of hands in worship. What we do with our hands is an expression of our hearts.
Treasures and Secrets
This treasure in jars of clay. This secret of Christ in us. We need to take those treasures and secrets and let them flow through us to the people we come in contact with everyday.
Cutting Through To What Really Matters
Life is busy and there are so many things are trying to grab our attention. It can be difficult to slow down and be content. At the end of the day, Jesus Christ is all that matters.
Cutting Through The Emotional Noise
Emotions are normal, but we have to be careful that we don't let our emotions get the best of us. Satan tries to discourage us, but God's Truth conquers all.
Cutting Through The Political Noise
The chaotic nature of this election year has everyone on edge. No matter what happens, we know that our God is in total control. We see now, but God sees forever!
Cutting Through The Noise
The noise of the world can be overwhelming sometimes. We have to unplug and eliminate the distractions so we can take time to listen to the voice of God.
We were honored to have Pastor Dienna Goscha from Prairie Oak Community Church come and speak to us. She preached on the power that words can have, both for encouragement and for destruction.
Wanted, Part 5
Pastor Peggy taught on the Jewish marriage ceremony and how it parallels with Christ's return. Christ loves us so much that he's coming back for us! Are we anticipating His arrival?
Wanted, Part 4
God wants you on His team! Everyone has been gifted with a various set of skills, talents, and abilities that God wants to utilize in order to grow his Kingdom.
Wanted, Part 3
You are wanted by God because you are worth it! The world tells us that money and success give us worth, but there is a deeper, soul fulfilling love that is only found in Christ Jesus.