This week we hear from Rich and Bonnie Walker as we focus in on how God has called us to be His witnesses. Even if God isn't calling you to work on the mission field, there are always ways to support God efforts around the world.
Here, Near, and Far, Part 2
This week, as we discuss how God has called us to be His witnesses here, near, and far, we get to hear from Dee McDonald. Dee and his family are preparing to launch JOY Church in Waconia, MN.
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Celebration Sunday 2023
Let's look back at the past year and celebrate all that God has been doing through Faithbrook Church!
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Here, Near, and Far, Part 1
In Acts 1:8, Jesus gives special instructions to his followers and calls them to be his witnesses here, near, and far. This week we look at how we can be a witness in our everyday lives.
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Asking For A Friend, Part 4
Can I believe in Science and God? These two things are often seen in competition with one another, but does it really have to be that way?
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Asking For A Friend, Part 3
Can I really trust God? God wants me to surrender to Him, but how do I know that He'll come through? Isn't the only person you can trust yourself?
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Asking For A Friend, Part 2
Why is Jesus the only way to heaven? Only one way seems very exclusive and restrictive. Don't all paths lead to the same destination?
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Asking For A Friend, Part 1
Why is there so much division between the world and the church? There are so many people with differing worldviews that's it can hard to navigate through the world as a Christian.
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Marriage With Benefits, Part 3
Conflict over sexual intimacy in marriage is almost always the result of misunderstanding. As we continue this series, we'll learn about how to develop the second benefit of marriage: intimacy!
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Marriage With Benefits, Part 2
Just because you're married doesn't mean your friends. As we continue this series, we'll learn about how to develop the second benefit of marriage: friendship!
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Marriage With Benefits, Part 1
Marriage can get such a bad rap, but God created it to be a benefit. As we kick off this series, we'll learn about how to develop the first benefit of marriage: trust!
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Easter 2023
Many things in life can cause us to walk with our heads down, but Jesus is risen and he walk along side you. Would you look up, see Him, and receive Him in your life?
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Rescue, Part 2
God's rescue plan was in action, but it would require a perfect sacrifice. Jesus's blood would have to be shed for us if God was going to bring his plan of redemption to fruition.
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Rescue, Part 1
God created humanity. God loved humanity. Humanity disobeyed and rejected God. Humanity lost communion with God. Humanity was in jeopardy. God had a plan!
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Taking Care of Business, Part 5
It's impossible to go through life without experiencing pain, hurt, or grief. We all have damage that we can suppress, but God want to help us deal with it. Let's look at how we can take care of business with our pain.
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Taking Care of Business, Part 4
It's so easy to be careless with our words because we often don't see their importance. Let's look at how we can take care of business with our words.
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Taking Care of Business, Part 3
People can be difficult and problematic. Does God really expect us to love everyone? Let's look at how we can take care of business - God's business - with our neighbors.
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Taking Care of Business, Part 2
Money can be such a stressful part of life at times. But many times we lose sight of how God views wealth. Let's look at how we can take care of business - God's business - with finances.
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Taking Care of Business, Part 1
Work is just a part of life. But many times we lose sight of how God views work. Let's look at how we can take care of business - God's business - at work.
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Vision Sunday 2023
Hear from Pastor Jim on this special Sunday as we talk all about vision. We can't wait to see what God is going to do as we continue to pursue His mission for Faithbrook.