This week, Pastor Jim looks at the last question that Jesus used to help build into his disciples: Do you trust me?
Five Questions, Part 4
This week, Pastor Jim looks at the forth questions that Jesus used to help build into his disciples: Do you love me?
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Five Questions, Part 3
This week's question comes from a unique encounter that a few disciples have with Jesus up on the side of a mountain. Listen in as Pastor Peggy unpacks this question for us.
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Five Questions, Part 2
As we continue this series, Pastor Jim breaks down the second question that Jesus used to disciple his followers: "Who do you say that I am?"
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Five Questions, Part 1
To kick off the new year, we’re taking a look at 5 different questions that Jesus used to disciple his own followers and how we can grow from them as well.
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New Years Day 2023 Online Service
Happy New Year and welcome to our online-only service! We don't have in-person service as a thank you to our amazing volunteers who work so hard all year long.
Christmas Eve 2022
This Christmas Eve, we wrap up our series by taking a look at the last clip of It's a Wonderful Life. We see a community filled with selfless generosity, just like our God who sent his own Son for us.
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It's a Wonderful Christmas, Part 3
This week we are led in Christmas worship by Faithbrook Kids and we look at how George Bailey responds after he is brought back to reality. Christmas can shift our perspective.
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It's a Wonderful Christmas, Part 2
George Bailey couldn't see a way forward and wished he had never been born. But God sends George a gift in the form on an angel. Let's see what we can take away from this part of It's a Wonderful Life.
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It's a Wonderful Christmas, Part 1
We begin our new Christmas series based on an American classic movie through the perspective of the original Christmas story. In this week's clips, George Bailey has a terrible day and reaches a new low.
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Faith Full, Part 6
As Pastor Jim concludes this series, he talks about the final element that can really fuel our faith in a world on empty: spiritual disciplines!
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Faith Full, Part 5
At some point along the way, we'll reach a point in our faith where we have to make an important decision that will change everything. God's Spirit calls us to surrender something that's holding us back.
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Faith Full, Part 4
Comfort zones are bad for building faith. This is why God often calls us out of them and into something that stretches us.
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Faith Full, Part 3
We don't actually know what we believe until what we believe has been tested. Everyone encounters storms in life, but we have to decide if that storm is going to break or build our faith.
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Faith Full, Part 2
This week, Pastor Jim discusses the second element that helps fuel our faith: Influence. The people is our life can sometimes make or break our faith.
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Faith Full, Part 1
This week we dive into how engaging with God's Word can fill our faith by pointing us to the person of Jesus.
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Finding The Best You, Part 5
Pastor Jim wraps up the series this Sunday by helping us self-discover and live into who God made us to be.
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Finding The Best You, Part 4
This week, Pastor Taylor continues our series by talking about how to find a healthy life balance because the busy you isn't the best you.
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Finding The Best You, Part 3
To live emotionally steady, we have to be emotionally ready. This week, Pastor Jim helps us build our emotional tool box for when we encounter threats and triggers in life.
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Finding The Best You, Part 2
If we want to grow spiritually, a lot of times we need to heal emotionally first. Doing this means finding the source of the emotional baggage in our life.