Forgiveness is not fun and sometimes it can be really hard. Jesus talks about it when he is describing the Kingdom of God. Why is it such an important topic to him?
Kingdom Culture, Part 3
Have you ever planted seeds? Isn’t it amazing what can come from such a tiny little thing? What’s even more interesting is that this is an example that Jesus uses to describe his kingdom.
Kingdom Culture, Part 2
Nobody likes to talk about consequences, but sometimes we can forget that God is holy. He is full of love, grace, and mercy, but he is also just.
Kingdom Culture, Part 1
Our souls are like the soil in Jesus’ parable. We have to maintain our soil so we can receive all that God has for us. When our soul is taken care of, God can do amazing things in our lives.
Easter 2019
Jesus was dead, but now he is alive! The stone was rolled away from the tomb and the stones that keep you away from a relationship with God can be rolled back from your heart.
Centerpiece, Part 2
Pontius Pilate was put in an extremely difficult situation when the Jewish leaders brought Jesus to him. Pilate had to answer a tough question: What am I going to do with Jesus?
Centerpiece, Part 1
At the center of Easter, the Bible, creation, and even history, there is Jesus. He is the centerpiece of it all and he ask for us to make Him our centerpiece.
Guardrails, Part 5
God commands us to “guard our hearts”, but what are we guarding against? Let become aware of the ways that our hearts can become deflated and set up some guardrails in those areas.
Guardrails, Part 4
God wants us to live with freedom, but most of us are mastered by money. How we deal with money is a direct reflection of the condition of our hearts.
Guardrails, Part 3
It can be a tricky subject, but because God wants the best for us, He wants us to put up sexual guardrails. It’s not about being judgmental, but growing closer to God’s purpose.
Guardrails, Part 2
We don’t always think about it like this, but our closest friends can be the biggest influencers in our lives. Sometimes we need some guardrails when it comes to who we allow to speak into our lives.
Guardrails, Part 1
Nobody needs guardrails…until they do. God encourages us to live our lives with guardrails. Does he just want to control our lives or is it about something so much greater?
Parenthood, Part 3
When it comes to raising children, everyone has an opinion. Even couples can have a lot of differences that cause tension, but Christ calls parents to become a united front on His behalf.
Parenthood, Part 2
It can be so tricky when it comes to disciplining our children. There are so many questions and so many doubts, but the Bible offers us a few great principles that can help out with this part of parenthood.
Parenthood, Part 1
Everyone wants their kids to thrive, but parenting is tricky and it takes a lot of wisdom. Parents only have so many weeks to raise their children into adulthood. How do we make those weeks count?
Vision Sunday 2019
What is Faithbrook Church all about and why does it exist? Listen in to see the awesome things that God has been doing at Faithbrook and see why we do what we do!
The Real Deal, Part 4
There are a lot of big questions at the end of Romans 8, and Paul answers those questions with great confidence in the overcoming power and love of Christ.
The Real Deal, Part 3
Nobody gets through life without some sort of pain and suffering. It’s just inevitable. What’s really going on? And how are we supposed to get through it?
The Real Deal, Part 2
Listen as Pastor Jim explains our faith in Christ represented through three chairs. Many have moved over to the second chair, but third chair living is a matter surrender and trust.
The Real Deal, Part 1
Guilt is a powerful thing that can rob us of joy and steal our confidence. In Christ, we can have freedom from guilt and any other thing that wants to bring us down.