The bright light of the star over Bethlehem and the robes of the heavenly hosts give us the most important color of Christmas. The entire reason for Christ’s coming rests in the color white.
Colors of Christmas, Part 3
Red is such an important color of Christmas, but the significance of this color goes far beyond that silent night in Bethlehem.
Colors of Christmas, Part 2
Everything isn’t always so holly jolly at Christmas time. Many people struggle with grief, stress, and disfunction during this time. How can the original Christmas story help us if we’re having a blue Christmas?
Colors of Christmas, Part 1
As soon as Black Friday hits, Christmas is all about the green…money! This Christmas, instead of getting so wrapped up in being a consumer, take some time and focus on the real reason we celebrate.
7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life, Part 7
The reality of life is that we will go through troubles and hardships. We can’t avoid them, but we can decide how we respond to them.
7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life, Part 6
We have to take that first step if we want to learn how to walk. The same is also true when it comes to our faith. A small step in the right direction could end up changing your life forever.
7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life, Part 5
Society has groomed us to become consumers, but God wants us to be servants and contributors inside and outside the church walls. How has God equipped you to serve?
7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life, Part 4
Is God calling you to go? Moses accepted God's call and God used him in amazing ways. We have the choice to respond or just stay back where it’s comfortable.
7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life, Part 3
When life gets tough and you feel like giving up, decide to stay. Decide to persevere and remain faithful because God will use you for incredible things.
7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life, Part 2
We are often faced with difficult life decisions that don’t seem to have a straightforward answer. When we’re in those situations, how are we supposed to make those decisions?
7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life, Part 1
What if we chose to care most about what God cares about? That means we would have to know what God really cares about…and that might surprise you.
Finding Your Way Back To God, Part 4
A truth that can sometimes be hard to grasp is that God wants to forgive you and help you. God knows your struggles and he is waiting with open arms.
Finding Your Way Back To God, Part 3
We all have longings for love and purpose in our lives, but we tend to search for them in the wrong places. Let’s awaken to our need for God to fulfill those longings.
Finding Your Way Back To God, Part 2
Jesus’ parable of the lost son shows us, in detail, how much God really does love us. He loves us even when we don’t deserve it and even when we’ve turned away from Him.
Finding Your Way Back To God, Part 1
Jesus came to give us a full, abundant life beyond what we can see. God has a better, more fulfilling life planned out for us and He invites us to step into that life.
Staying Centered
When Jesus would pray, he would get up early in the morning and find a quiet spot away from distractions. Life is chaotic and prayer can help us stay centered on God.
Strapped, Part 4
If you've been around the church at all, you might have heard of a "tithe". This week we're talking about what a "tithe" is and why it's so important to God and the mission of His church.
Strapped, Part 3
We tend to think that the solution to being strapped is more money. More is always better, right? Sometimes it's just about making smart decisions with what we already have.
Strapped, Part 2
We're surrounded by financial temptations all the time: Buy now! Limited time offer! What's in your wallet? Getting unstrapped is about having money serve us, not the other way around.
Strapped, Part 1
It feels like we shouldn't talk about money in the church, but the reality is that most people are strapped by their finances and Christ wants us to live free from financial bondage.