We finished off our Christmas series with a wonderful message of hope. The favor of God can rest on us if we accept his gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Peace on Earth
This week was a much needed break from all the hustle and bustle of this time of year. The closer we get to Christ, the more peace we will encounter.
Glory to God in the Highest
Our Christmas series based on Luke 2:14 kicked off this week. Christmas is about giving glory to God, but also experiencing the glory of God.
Combined Service
We had the privilege of combining with our Hispanic sister church: La Familia de Dios. Pastor Cony gave an great message about being thankful!
Get Smart: Light of the World
Smart people live in the light even when surrounded by darkness. We are called to be children of the light!
Get Smart: Living a Focused Life
Wise people live with purpose and focus. We are called to live out God's mission and to be His witnesses in this fast-paced world.
Get Smart: Dealing with Suffering
When dealing with tough times, we must have spiritual grit and seek spiritual renewal day by day. Fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
Get Smart: Decisions
The decisions that we make today can impact our lives for years to come. Let's make sure we're making wise decisions that have kingdom building impact.
Get Smart: Hope and Confidence
We live in a continually shifting world that rejects absolute truth. It is crucial that we know that our hope and confidence comes from Christ alone.
Who's My Neighbor?
We had the great pleasure of hearing from out District Superintendent this weekend. He discussed what it means when Jesus tells us to love out neighbor.
Get Smart: Wisdom
In light of my past experiences, current circumstances, and future hopes and dreams...what is the wise thing to do?
Get Smart: Cultural Change
We introduced our new series this week by talking about wisdom in the midst of cultural change. We are like aliens in this world and we will face persecution, but we must still go out and tell of Christ's love.
Reconnect with God, Part 3
In the last sermon of the series, we discuss the story of Adam and Eve. From the beginning God intended for us to be close with him, but the choices we make can push God away.
Reconnect with God, Part 2
For our second week in this series, we took a look into the life of Elijah and his ministry. He sank into despair when Jezebel put a price on his head. He had to reconnect with God even when things seemed to be going against him.
Reconnect with God, Part 1
Sometimes staying connected with God can be hard because we tend to make mistakes that make us feel ashamed or embarrassed. We look at the redemptive story of King David and how God was faithful to forgive.
The Broken Unbroken
We are children of God. We are going to make mistakes, but our Father can turn our weaknesses into strengths. He is not hindered by our imperfection, and He always loves us in spite of our failures.
Passionate Worship
Pastor Jim brought up Peggy Wagner, our Prayer Pastor, and Taylor Greenhill, our Worship Arts Pastor, to discuss what it means to worship. When we remember the true purpose of worship, we can authentically come before the Lord and praise Him with passion and excitement.
All In For All People
A challenging and motivating message on being a part of the mission of Christ. Let's get back to the basics and remember why the church exists in the first place...so that the lost may be found!
Garden of Life: Patience
Having patience really boils down to having faith and trust. Do we have faith in God and trust that He will come through. His timing is not always our timing, but His timing is perfect!
Garden of Life: Protecting the Garden
We took a look at what 1 Peter 5 has to say about protecting our soul against the enemy's schemes. Humble yourself before God and stand firm in the faith.