We heard a powerful message on what it means to grow spiritually. Christ is the vine and we are the branches. We must cling to the vine!
Reflecting of Fifty Years of Ministry
Pastor Ron McGilvra brought a wonderful message about God has worked through his many years of ministry. God is the ultimate provider and we must learn to walk by faith even when that means taking some risks.
Awestruck at the Catch
Dr. Woodie Stevens brought a great message to Osseo Church about discipleship. We heard about the story of Jesus calling on his first disciples in Luke 5:1-11.
Garden of Life: The Soil
This second week of our summer series we heard about the parable of the sower in the book of Matthew. We learned about how the four different soils relate to the various states of our heart.
Garden of Life: The Seed
Our Summer series, Garden of Life, is based on the agricultural parables and metaphors used by Christ during His ministry. This week we talked about the seed of Christ and about our desperate need to plant it deep within our hearts.
The Promise: A Matter of the Heart
This was the last week of our spring series called The Promise. We were reminded that God has a promise for each and every one of us. Let's always follow God instead of going out own way.
The Voice of God
This Memorial Day Weekend we were blessed to hear from our very own Marine Corps Sergeant Sean Lord. We heard about the unique voice of God and how we must constantly stay in tune with the Holy Spirit.