Joseph went from the dungeon to his God-given destiny. He's a great example of how God wants us to live when we are blessed with success.
The Hand You're Dealt, Part 4 | Forgotten in the Dungeon
Joseph obeyed and honored God, but yet he finds himself betrayed and in a dungeon. To cap it off, he gets forgotten about after he does a good deed. Sometimes you're dealt a hand that leads to a dungeon, but that doesn't mean that God has forgotten you.
Message Podcast:
The Hand You're Dealt, Part 3 | When Tempted
As soon as Joseph seems to be doing well in Egypt, he faces even more trials that will test his faith and his integrity. This week, Pastor Jim talks about how we can run from temptation that wants to take us down.
Message Podcast:
The Hand You're Dealt, Part 2 | Stuck as a Slave
Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation that we didn't want and didn't ask for. This week, we look at what Joseph did and talk about how God wants us to approach these challenges in life.
Message Podcast:
The Hand You're Dealt, Part 1 | In The Pit
This series follows the life and story of Joseph who went through so many challenges, but stayed faithful to God through it all. It's not about the hand you're dealt, but what you do with it.
Message Podcast:
Parenting On Purpose, Part 2
Parents love giving good gifts to their kids, but sometimes those gift can actually be harmful. This week Pastor Jim talks about 3 important gifts that you can give your kids that will make a positive impact for the rest of their lives.
Message Podcast:
Parenting On Purpose, Part 1
Everyone can agree that parenting is difficult. So often we parent in a reactionary way instead of parenting on purpose. This week we focus on how, if at all possible, we can help our kids know and love God.
Message Podcast:
Easter 2024 | Rediscover Faith
Easter is out favorite Sunday of the year and this year didn't disappoint! Listen in as Pastor Jim discusses how you can rediscover faith in your life.
Message Podcast:
Messy, Part 4 | Messy Forgiveness
To wrap up this series, Pastor Jim focuses on a relational topic that can be so tricky. It can be messy to forgive others, but Jesus sets a clear example and expectation for his followers.
Message Podcast:
Messy, Part 3 | Messy Obedience
When we make that decision to follow Jesus, He asks us to surrender to His will. Trusting and obeying God can get messy because we don't always love giving up control and comfort.
Message Podcast:
Messy, Part 2 | Messy People
Not only are we messy, but everyone around us is messy and that can make our lives messy. Life would be so much easier if it weren't for all the people, but God calls us to love people and serve people in their mess.
Message Podcast:
Messy, Part 1 | Messy Self
We can be messy, life can be messy, people are messy, and sometimes following God can be messy. But the good news is that Jesus is an expert at navigating the mess and bringing order to the chaos.
Message Podcast:
#GodStrong, Part 8
As Pastor Eric concludes this series, we take a look at the very last piece of wisdom that Paul sends to the church in Ephesus. His last instruction is one of the most important things we can do to live #GodStrong.
Message Podcast:
#GodStrong, Part 7
We can often be prepared for things in the physical world, but how often to we think about being spiritually prepared. This week Pastor Taylor takes a deeper look at the Apostle Paul's description of the Armor of God.
Message Podcast:
Vision Sunday 2024 | #GodStrong, Part 6
This week we continue in our #GodStrong series, but Pastor Jim talks specifically about the vision of Faithbrook Church. God has positioned us purposefully and we have a great mission that He has called us into.
Message Podcast:
#GodStrong, Part 5
Relationships are hard and it's not easy to have a #GodStrong marriage. In this passage of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, he give a few important instructions for strong marriages.
Message Podcast:
#GodStrong, Part 4
At the beginning of chapter 5, Paul continues to give challenges and warnings to the church in Ephesus, but it all has to do with a greater purpose: love.
Message Podcast:
#GodStrong, Part 3
This week we jump ahead to the end of Chapter 4 and read through some tough challenges that the Apostle Paul gives to the church.
Message Podcast:
#GodStrong, Part 2
In this next section of Paul's letter the the Ephesian church, he prays for 4 different things as they try to reach their full potential in Christ.
Message Podcast:
#GodStrong, Part 1
As we begin the new year, we're going to take an extended look at the Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians. For the next two months, we're going to learn how to reach our full potential in Christ.