You were designed by God to be an influencer. Sometimes a simple invite can be all it takes to change a life. Come and see what this series is all about.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 10
If you’ve ever felt like the world was falling apart…join the club. Despite the bad and ugly things we’ve read in 1 Kings and seen in world history, we can clearly see and know that God is still large and in charge.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 9
Have you ever found yourself up against something scary that seemed impossible to overcome? That’s exactly where Israel found themselves, but God did something really incredible.
Nazarene Missions
We were honored to have Dr. Crocker come and report on the status and vision of Nazarene Missions. We are a truly global family.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 8
A really low point in Israel’s history was when Queen Jezebel was pulling the strings behind the scenes. She was a wicked person who manipulated others. Maybe you know someone like that. How do we deal with those people?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 7
Elijah gets to a point where he is full of fear and finds himself running away from where God wants him to be. We can all probably relate to what that feels like. But what does God do?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 6
God proves his ultimate authority against the prophets of Baal in a massive showdown. Will you let God’s fire and power fall in your life to purify you?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 5
When God gave Elijah instructions that didn’t make sense, he went anyway and God was there through it all. Do you believe God to provide in tough situations?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 4
Each king had the opportunity to do what was right when they were handed power and status, but only one sought God.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 3
Solomon did an amazing thing when he built the temple in Jerusalem, but Jesus did an even greater thing when he died on the cross. God presence is no longer contained in a building, but in a people.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 2
Toward’s the end of his life, Solomon neglected his relationship with God and made some very poor decisions. We have to be careful not to make the same mistakes that Solomon did.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 1
Solomon inherited the kingdom from his father and when God offered him whatever he wanted, he asked for wisdom. What do you do with the opportunities that are laid in front of you?
Celebration Sunday 2019
Pastor Mike interviews Pastor Jim about the status of Faithbrook. You'll get to hear highlights from this past year, stories about changed lives, a financial report, and the direction that God is leading Faithbrook.
Kingdom Culture, Part 5
In the final week of Kingdom Culture, we hear a very unusual story that Jesus used to explain the grace of God. It’s definitely not what you would expect.
Kingdom Culture, Part 4
Forgiveness is not fun and sometimes it can be really hard. Jesus talks about it when he is describing the Kingdom of God. Why is it such an important topic to him?
Kingdom Culture, Part 3
Have you ever planted seeds? Isn’t it amazing what can come from such a tiny little thing? What’s even more interesting is that this is an example that Jesus uses to describe his kingdom.
Kingdom Culture, Part 2
Nobody likes to talk about consequences, but sometimes we can forget that God is holy. He is full of love, grace, and mercy, but he is also just.
Kingdom Culture, Part 1
Our souls are like the soil in Jesus’ parable. We have to maintain our soil so we can receive all that God has for us. When our soul is taken care of, God can do amazing things in our lives.
Easter 2019
Jesus was dead, but now he is alive! The stone was rolled away from the tomb and the stones that keep you away from a relationship with God can be rolled back from your heart.
Centerpiece, Part 2
Pontius Pilate was put in an extremely difficult situation when the Jewish leaders brought Jesus to him. Pilate had to answer a tough question: What am I going to do with Jesus?