If heaven is home-plate, then we should be really concerned with our RBIs (runs batted in). In order to do that, we might have to sacrifice things along the way so that other people can connect with God.
Home Run Life, Part 4
Work with all your heart, as if working for the Lord. There's nothing wrong with having a great career or success in business, it's how you chase after them that really matters!
Home Run Life, Part 3
Winning with others can be difficult, but remember to keep short accounts and to be thankful! What is going to count the most at the end of your days?
Home Run Life, Part 2
We need to win within and live with integrity that is rooted in Christ. Are there any boundaries that you need to set up in your life?
Home Run Life, Part 1
Growing up, we've been taught to run the bases of life backwards. But God wants us to run the bases His way and it all starts with Him at home plate.
Easter 2018
Life is so busy and it can be really easy to put our spiritual life of the back burner. But this Easter, Christ's resurrection can be the source of your faith's resurrection.
Gutsy Faith, Part 3
One conversation out of love can make an eternal difference in someone's life. It just takes a little guts to speak up!
Gutsy Faith, Part 2
The story of the Good Samaritan is an amazing example of someone taking a risk out of love. What kind of risky or gutsy action is God calling you to take?
Gutsy Faith, Part 1
What is the one thing that holds most people back from taking big risks? Fear. But God's love and power can drive out fear and help us live with gutsy faith.
Missions, Part 2
Since we're part of something larger, we have to remember to think outside of our comfortable suburban bubbles. Sometimes that means leaving and really experiencing the global church!
Missions, Part 1
The church, as the body of Christ, has many different parts and members all around the world. Being a Christian is about being part of something much larger than ourselves.
Why Believe?
Why do we believe what we believe? Is there any real evidence to back up it up? How can we be sure that Jesus was the Son of God? Let's dig in!
Why Suffering?
Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? This can be a really tough question to tackle. If God is loving, why is there so much suffering?
Super Sunday 2018
There are many similarities between how the game of football is played, and how we approach our personal faith. We have to know the playbook, play by the rules, and protect the ball.
Game Changer, Part 4
When we engage in an intimate community of fellow believers, we experience life as Christ intended. There are even life benefits beyond just spiritual growth.
Game Changer, Part 3
Something really special happens when the children of God group up and journey together through life. We need a community of faith because we're better together!
Game Changer, Part 2
When Peter preached on the day of Pentecost, he called people to take a huge risk and put their faith in Christ. What is the game changing next step in your spiritual life?
Game Changer, Part 1
When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost, it was a game changer. The gospel message has since spread across the entire globe. You can be a part of that game changing power!
Home For Christmas, Part 4
Jesus came to save everyone from their sins and to bring hope to the entire world. Celebrate and rejoice in His birth! Merry Christmas!
Home For Christmas, Part 3
It seems like every Christmas we get sucked into white elephant gift exchanges. We usually walk away with junk, but Christ's gift exchange offers us something spectacular.