Faithbrook Church — Groups

Life Groups

How do they work?

Our Life Groups run on a seasonal schedule throughout the year. Each session lasts 8-10 weeks and offers a lot of flexibility. You can sign up for a different group each session, take a break for a session, or continue with the people you’ve connected with.

What can I expect?

Life Groups consist of a gathering of 8-12 people who typically meet 2-4 times a month in homes. At each group meeting you can expect to have a time to connect relationally, study the Bible and discuss how it applies to your life, and pray for one another. Some groups even share a meal together! Don’t be surprised when you share laughs, tears, and celebrations. See what God can do in and through you in a Life Group this season!

Community Groups

What are Community Groups?

Our Community Groups are designed to help facilitate community at Faithbrook while people grow in faith. These groups are started around various things ranging from common interests to life stages. Some of these groups will have a strong focus on growing in faith while others are just intended to build friendships around something fun.